
[eng]: Digitized object: 35mm b&w negative, Romania, 1986, Birds
Raw scan, unprocessed / Available in larger format/different licence, by request
[ro]: Obiect digitizat: film negativ alb negru format 35mm, Romania, 1986, Păsări
Scanare bruta, neprocesat/ Este disponibil în format mai mare/diverse licențe, la cerere

Fotografiile/produsele digitale din categoria FREE DOWNLOAD/DESCARCARE GRATUITA sunt oferite de exclusiv cu licența EDCULT. Pentru orice altă utilizare te rugăm să ne contactezi pentru detalii.
Photomuse sprijină libera circulație a bunurilor și serviciilor cu conținut cultural prin digitizare, publicare și demersuri pentru identificarea autorilor fotografiilor anonime publicate. Dacă dețineți informații suplimentare despre autorul fotografiei publicate, dacă sunteți deținătorul drepturilor de autor sau credeți că fotografia a fost utilizată fără permisiunea corespunzătoare, vă rugăm să ne contactați la pentru a ne transmite informațiile pe care le considerați relevante.
Colecțiile tale de fotografie pot fi expuse si valorizate pe platforma Photomuse! Mai multe detalii despre start-up-ul nostru si oferta comerciala gasiti aici
Prin utilizarea acestui Site sau prin descărcarea, încărcarea sau folosirea oricărui suport media listat în cadrul PHOTOMUSE.NET, confirmi ca ai citit, ai înțeles și ești de acord să respecți conținutul Termenilor si condițiilor de utilizare a site-ului disponibile aici.
În cazul în care nu ești de acord cu aceste condiții de utilizare a platformei, te rugăm să întrerupi utilizarea și să ștergi toate datele/fișierele pe care le-ai descărcat de pe Site appreciates memories and treasures the photography!
[eng] Photomuse is a Romanian marketplace for photography and other digital assets.
The digital products sold on the platform are available together with one of the 4 Photomuse licenses. The name of the license purchased is mentioned on the product’s invoice. You can find here details on the rights granted for each type of license, the duration of the license as well as details of the buyer’s exceptions, prohibitions, limitations and obligations after the purchase.
The photos/digital assets from the category FREE DOWNLOAD are offered by exclusively with EDCULT license. For any other use please contact us for details.
Photomuse supports the free movement of goods and services with cultural content through digitization, publication and efforts to identify the authors of published anonymous photos. If you have additional information about the author of the published photo, if you are the copyright holder or believe that the photo has been used without proper permission, please contact us at to send us the information you consider relevant.
The EDCULT license may be used by individuals or entities active in the cultural or educational field. Granted period for using the EDCULT license: 7 years from the date of purchase.
The CREATIVE license can be used by individuals, artists, cultural or educational entities, the printed and online press, publishers and developers of websites and media applications. Granted period for using the CREATIVE license: 7 years from the date of purchase.
The COMERCIAL license can be used by individuals, economic or non-profit entities. Duration for which the COMMERCIAL license is granted: unlimited.
The EXTENDED license may be used by individuals, artists, economic or non-profit entities in any field, almost not restrictions for use! Duration for which the EXTENDED license is granted: unlimited
Yours photo collections are waited to be treasured on Photomuse marketplace! More details about our start-up and the commercial offer here:
By using this Website or by downloading, uploading or using any media support listed on PHOTOMUSE.NET, you confirm that you read, understood and agreed to respect the content of the present agreement.
In case you don’t agree with what is mentioned here, we ask you to stop using and deleting all data/files that you have downloaded from the site;


Product Information

The original item was produced using one of following media
Film Negative A / N
The photographer's name
Unknown photographer
The year the photo was taken
Year is a approximation?
Location where photography was made
Tourist cultural objective
Private Collection / Archive Name
colectia Photomuse image
Color / Chromogenic

Location where photography was made

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Converted prices are for reference only - all orders are charged in € Euro (€) EUR.
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  • AUDAustralian Dollars ($)
  • CADCanadian Dollars ($)
  • CHFSwiss Franc
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