Types of license granted by Photomuse
The digital products sold on the platform are available together with one of the 4 Photomuse licenses. The name of the license purchased is mentioned on the product’s invoice. Please find as follows details on the rights granted for each type of license, the duration of the license as well as details of the buyer’s exceptions, prohibitions, limitations and obligations after the purchase.
IMPORTANT!!! None of the Photomuse licenses entitles the buyer to use the images in order to be published / distributed in raw form or in variants of works / derivative products for the purpose of insulting or slandering people, or inciting racial hatred or to be used in adult publications or printed materials.
A. EDCULT License
The EDCULT license may be used by individuals or entities active in the cultural or educational field, and the following rights are granted:
- EC1: The product purchased under this license may be used for the personal use of the purchaser (including print); ex: printing of promotional materials that are not intended for sale, being allowed a maximum of 100 prints of various sizes that will be distributed free of charge; Only one use is allowed in the online environment for blogs, personal sites, personal social media accounts.
- EC2: The purchased product with this license may be used in academic presentations and publications (e.g., papers, articles, scientific papers, PowerPoint presentations, etc.…) in print or online published.
Granted period for using the EDCULT license: 7 years from the date of purchase.
The EDCULT License has the following prohibitions:
• The license and the digital product (the digital format purchased and downloaded from the photomuse.net website) cannot be re-marketed;
• The purchased product cannot be used for the presentation and promotion of products or services sold for commercial purpose and the prints made cannot be commercialized;
• No processing or intervention on the product is permitted, except resizing and processing for better quality, carried out in such a way as not to compromise the editorial integrity of the content;
• The product may NOT be used in written or online mass media or for creation or integration / posting on commercial websites or blogs, games or web applications.
IMPORTANT!!! The EDCULT license does not entitle the purchaser to use the images in order to be published / distributed in raw form or in variants of works / derivative products for the purpose of insulting or slandering people, or inciting racial hatred or to be used in adult publications or printed materials.
The EDCULT License has the following limitations:
• EC1: – maximum cumulative circulation allowed is 100 copies for the entire duration of the license;
Only one use is allowed in the online environment;
For additional prints or additional online appearances, it is necessary to purchase a new license;
• EC2: in case of online publication, you must make sure that it is not allowed to redistribute the autonomous file delivered by photomuse.net.
EDCULT license obligations after purchase:
• The purchased product will be used in compliance with the rights EC1 and EC2, corresponding to the EDCULT license, and the prohibitions and limitations valid for this type of license;
• It is mandatory that in the publications in print format as well as in the online ones that will be brought to the public’s attention, the source of the photo and the photographer’s name will be indicated (if it is published on the photomuse.net website), visible, preferably in the lower right corner of image: “photomuse.net / photographer’s name”.
The CREATIVE license can be used by individuals, artists, cultural or educational entities, the printed and online press, publishers and developers of websites and media applications, and the following rights are granted:
- CV1: The product purchased under this license may be used for personal use (including print); the product can be integrated and transformed into a complex product (derivative work) for artistic or promotional purposes;
- CV2: The purchased product with this license may be used in academic presentations and publications (e.g., papers, articles, scientific papers, PowerPoint presentations, etc.…) in print or online published;
- CV3: The product purchased under this license may be used for press releases to illustrate educational or cultural articles or news, which appear in the print media or online, for a single use;
- CV4: The product purchased with this license can be used on websites, web applications, social media and blogs;
- CV5: The product purchased with this license can be used for publication in books, magazines, brochures, leaflets (excluding covers) or individual print with a maximum cumulative circulation of 250 copies.
Granted period for using the CREATIVE license: 7 years from the date of purchase.
The CREATIVE license has the following prohibitions:
• The license and the digital product (the digital format purchased and downloaded from the photomuse.net website) cannot be re-marketed in raw form;
• The product may NOT be used for magazine and book covers or for posters, advertisements and advertising campaigns.
IMPORTANT!!! The CREATIVE license does not entitle the purchaser to use the images in order to be published / distributed in raw form or in variants of works / derivative products for the purpose of insulting or slandering people, or inciting racial hatred or to be used in adult publications or materials.
The CREATIVE License has the following limitations:
• CV1 the license may be used for a single derivative work multiplied by a maximum of 100 copies;
• CV2 / CV4: in case of online publications, you must make sure that the redistribution of the autonomous file delivered by photomuse.net is not allowed;
• CV3: the license may be used for a single publication in the written press or online to illustrate an educational or cultural article or news item;
• CV5: for use in printed publications the maximum cumulative circulation is 250 copies.
For additional prints or additional online publication, it is necessary to purchase a new license.
CREATIVE license obligations after purchase:
• The purchased product will be used in compliance with the rights CV1; CV2; CV3; CV4; CV5, corresponding to the CREATIVE license, the prohibitions and limitations valid for this type of license;
• It is mandatory in the appearances in print format as well as in the online ones that will be brought to the public’s attention, the source of the photo and the photographer’s name will be indicated (if it is published on the photomuse.net website), visible, preferably in the lower right corner of image: “photomuse.net / photographer’s name”;
• In the case of derivative works, when they are in printed format or are published online, it is mandatory to indicate the source of the photograph and the photographer’s name (if it is published on the photomuse.net website): “photomuse.net /photographer’s name”, the technical manner of fulfilling this obligation being at the discretion of the author of the derivative work.
The COMMERCIAL license can be used by individuals, economic or non-profit entities, and the following rights are granted:
- CO1: The product purchased under this license may be used for personal use and for commercial use;
- CO2: The product purchased under this license can be used in academic presentations and publications (e.g., papers, articles, scientific papers, PowerPoint presentations, etc.…) in print or published online;
- CO3: The product purchased under this license may be used for press releases to illustrate articles or news items that appear in the print or online press, multiple appearances;
- CO4: The product purchased under this license can be used for integration into websites, web games and applications, social media, blogs, television broadcast;
- CO5: The product purchased with this license can be used for publication in books, magazines, brochures, leaflets (including covers) or individual print with multiple appearances / editions / and a maximum cumulative circulation of 1000 copies.
Duration for which the COMMERCIAL license is granted: unlimited.
The COMMERCIAL license has the following prohibitions:
• CO1: The product purchased under this license may NOT be integrated and transformed into complex products (derivative works) for artistic or commercial purposes;
• CO1: Product purchased under this license may NOT be used in marketing / advertising campaigns.
IMPORTANT!!! The COMMERCIAL license does not entitle the purchaser to use the images in order to be published / distributed in raw form or in variants of works / derivative products for the purpose of insulting or slandering people, or inciting racial hatred or to be used in adult publications or materials.
The COMMERCIAL License has the following limitations:
• CO1 / CO4: in case of online publication, you must make sure that the redistribution of the autonomous file delivered by photomuse.net is not allowed;
• CO5: for use in printed publications the maximum cumulative circulation is 1000 copies.
For additional prints it is necessary to purchase a new license.
The license granted is not exclusive (it can be granted to several customers); in case you want an exclusive license please contact photomuse.net.
In addition to the restrictions on the COMMERCIAL license, products labelled “Editorial Use Only” are subject to the following additional rules:
-May only be used in connection with events or topics presented in print, online or TV media publications, in the form of news or information of public interest;
- Cannot be used for commercial purposes (including articles, commercial blogs, etc.) without the prior approval of Photomuse.
- Cannot be modified, except for minor modifications to improve / adapt the technical quality or minor resizing done in such a way as to preserve the editorial context and integrity of the original.
For products that are labelled “For editorial use only” it is mandatory that, in the print and online / TV or video appearances that will be made available to the public, to indicate the source of the photo and the name of the photographer (if it is published on the website photomuse.net), visible, preferably in the lower right corner of the image: “photomuse.net / photographer’s name”.
COMMERCIAL License obligations after purchase:
The purchased product will be used in compliance with CO1; CO2; CO3; CO4; CO5 rights corresponding to the COMMERCIAL license, the prohibitions and limitations valid for this type of license;
The EXTENDED license may be used by individuals, artists, economic or non-profit entities in any field, and the following rights are granted:
- EX1: The product purchased under this license can be used for personal use and marketing and can be integrated into complex products for artistic or commercial purposes;
- EX2: The product purchased with this license can be used for publication in printed or online format, in any type of publication in any field being allowed multiple appearances / editions, unlimited circulation, (including appearances on covers);
- EX3: The product purchased under this license may be used for press releases to illustrate articles or news items that appear in the written or online press, multiple appearances;
- EX4: The product purchased with this license can be used for integration in websites, web games and applications, social media, blogs, television broadcast;
- EX5: The product purchased with this license can be used in marketing and advertising campaigns.
Duration for which the EXTENDED license is granted: unlimited.
The EXTENDED License has the following limitations:
The license granted is not exclusive (it can be granted to several customers); in case you want an exclusive license please contact photomuse.net
The EXTENDED license has the following prohibitions:
IMPORTANT!!! The EXTENDED license does not entitle the buyer to use the images in order to be published / distributed in raw form or in variants of works / derivative products for the purpose of insulting or slandering people, or inciting racial hatred or to be used in adult publications or materials.
EXTENDED License obligations after purchase:
• The purchased product will be used in compliance with the rights EX1; EX2; EX3; EX4; EX5, corresponding to the EXTENDED license, the prohibitions and limitations valid for this type of license;
• In case of using the product in derivative works, when they are in print or are published online, it is recommended to indicate the source of the photo and the photographer’s name (if it is published on the photomuse.net website): „photomuse.net / the name of the photographer “, the technical manner of fulfilling this recommendation being at the discretion of the author of the derivative work.
EXTENDED License obligations after purchase:
• The purchased product will be used in compliance with the rights EX1; EX2; EX3; EX4; EX5, corresponding to the EXTENDED license, the prohibitions and limitations valid for this type of license;
• In case of using the product in derivative works, when they are in print or are published online, it is recommended to indicate the source of the photo and the photographer’s name (if it is published on the photomuse.net website): „photomuse.net / the name of the photographer “, the technical manner of fulfilling this recommendation being at the discretion of the author of the derivative work.
Format and size of digital products
Digital products (the digital/digitized photos) sold on the platform can be available in 4 sizes. The size of the purchased file is noted on the product invoice by mentioning the corresponding symbol. In the following are details about the characteristics of each file size.
Small size photo /digitized, SMALL SIZE, “S” symbol has the following parameters:
file format: .jpeg;
dimensions: Short Edge min: 1000 px; Resolution: min 72ppi
file size: min 0.4 MP;
Medium size photo /digitized, MEDIUM SIZE, symbol “M” has the following parameters:
file format: .jpeg;
dimensions: Short Edge min: 2000 px; Resolution: 300 ppi
file size: min 1.8MP;
Large size photo /digitized, LARGE SIZE, “L” symbol has the following parameters:
file format: .jpeg;
dimensions: Short Edge min: 3000 px; Resolution: 300 ppi
file size: min 4MP;
Photo /digitized in uncompressed format, RAW or TIFF, symbol: “RAW” has the following parameters:
The file can have one of the following formats:
.tif .tiff; .arw; , Raw; .crw; .CR2; .orf; .pef; .ptx, etc.
file size: min 6MP;
dimensions: minimum 2000x3000px;